Columbia Car Insurance - Maryland

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How much is car insurance per day in BC?

Classic cars are $24.97 per or $849.91 per month on ICBC.

How much does car insurance cost 2020?

2020 Insurance rates are calculated based on actuarial risk. This is the likelihood that you will have an accident in a given year.

What is the average cost of comprehensive car insurance?

Answer: The cost of comprehensive car insurance will depend on a few different variables. You can expect to pay about $770 per year, which includes the base price and all applicable fees and discounts.

Columbia Car Insurance - MarylandColumbia Car Insurance - Maryland

Columbia Cheapest Companies

Cheapest Companies
State Farm

Around Cities

Maryland Cities
Silver Spring$198/mo

Columbia Best Companies

Maryland Cities
Silver Spring$196/mo

Columbia Ratings

Cities with Most DUIs Rank#42
Cities with Most Moving Violations Rank#41
Most Popular Car in stateHonda Accord
Cities with Most Speeding Tickets Rank#14
Cities with Most Suspended Licenses Rank#31

Columbia Zipcodes

  • 21044
  • 21045
  • 21046

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Potential Rate Discounts

If you qualify for discounts, you may save the amounts shown below.

Discount Savings
Multi-policy $64
Multi-vehicle $61
Homeowner $17
5-yr Accident Free $81
5-yr Claim Free $86
Paid in Full/EFT $47
Advance Quote $66
Online Quote $94

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Discounts are estimated and may not be available from every company or in every state.

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