Hicksville Car Insurance - New York

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How much does full car insurance cost?

About $900 for six months, based on my current usage.

Is car insurance expensive in Miami?

The Miami-Herald recently published a story examining the high cost of car insurance in Florida ranked Miami as the 8th most expensive city in the country for auto insurance, with an average annual premium of $2,912 (roughly $234/month).

How much do you pay for car insurance per month?

For the rest of us, here are some basic guidelines on what factors determine how much an insurance company will charge for coverage. Keep in mind these are averages based on age, location, driving record, and all that jazz. Your specific situation may yield different results. Of course, your mileage may vary toou2026 if you get my drift.

How much does supercar insurance cost?

Supercar insurance varies in price depending on where you live, what your age is, and the type of supercar you want to insure.

Hicksville Car Insurance - New YorkHicksville Car Insurance - New York

Hicksville Cheapest Companies

Cheapest Companies
TSC Direct
Midvale Home & Auto
Liberty Mutual

Around Cities

New York Cities
New York$182/mo
Staten Island$187/mo
New York$239/mo

Hicksville Best Companies

New York Cities
New York$183/mo
Staten Island$185/mo
New York$240/mo

Hicksville Ratings

Cities with Most DUIs Rank#70
Cities with Most Moving Violations Rank#54
Most Popular Car in stateNissan Altima
Cities with Most Speeding Tickets Rank#28
Cities with Most Suspended Licenses Rank#51

Hicksville Zipcodes

  • 11801
  • 11802
  • 11815
  • 11819
  • 11854
  • 11855

Other cities of same state

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Potential Rate Discounts

If you qualify for discounts, you may save the amounts shown below.

Discount Savings
Multi-policy $64
Multi-vehicle $61
Homeowner $17
5-yr Accident Free $81
5-yr Claim Free $86
Paid in Full/EFT $47
Advance Quote $66
Online Quote $94

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Discounts are estimated and may not be available from every company or in every state.

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